A downloadable asset pack

These free premade map is perfect for any shooter projects and games! You can start develop your game even with this free package. This pack includes 16 well optimized models created just with one texture for better performance! Demo map created for Unity 2021.3+

Featured Shooter Assets:
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol1 - City
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol2 - Desert City
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol3 - Office
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol4 - Warehouse
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol5 - Railway Station
- Low Poly FPS Map Vol6 - Construction
- Low Poly FPS Weapons Pack
- Low Poly FPS Weapons Pack Vol2

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LICENSE Description: When you buy an asset you have license to use it for game/app development and creating media content (for example video for YouTube etc.) . You can't resell and share asset or part of this asset if users have access to original files. Game/App/Project should be compiled. You can't create NFT with this asset.


LowPolyFPSLite_2021.3.0_SRP_v1.0.unitypackage 892 kB
FPS_Lite_FBX.zip 148 kB

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